
by Ece Mert

           Once upon a time, there was a wolf. It had a cold. It was always sneezing. This wolf saw three little pigs which were making new houses. The wolf decided to ask them for an aspirin because of his illness. The wolf went to the first pig’s house and it said:
-  I want some aspirin. If you don’t give it to me, I will continue to sneeze. Maybe your house will blow down.

            The pig couldn’t understand what the wolf said. It guessed the wolf was going to eat him. The pig didn’t open the door and the wolf sneezed. The house blew down with the pig. The wolf felt very upset. It decided to go to the second pig’s house. The same conversation and result happened with the second pig. It blew away. The wolf felt like a killer. It thought, immediately I need an aspirin. The wolf went to the smartest pig’s house. The pig heard the noise of the wolf. At the beginning, it was scared but it could understand what the wolf wanted. The pig gave an aspirin to the wolf. The wolf sneezed for the last time but the house didn’t blow down. The third pig made the house from bricks. The wolf said:
- Your brothers weren’t as intelligent as you. Their house blew down with them. You can survive. I am very sorry because of these events.
- Don’t worry. I am very upset but they should have been more careful. They couldn’t think like me. If you want to help me, you carry the other things. I want to finish my home.

              The wolf helped the pig and they were the best friends. Once a year, they talked about the other pigs. They lived happily ever after.

by Cansu Ceylan

           Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One day the time came for them to leave home. Before they left, their mother told them not to trust the wolf.

            They left the home and wanted to build a house. The first little pig built his home with straw. While he was finishing his house, the wolf came and said very gently: “Don’t use straw to build a house. It will be a weak home. If someone blows your house in, it will collapse.” But the first little pig got angry with the wolf and said. “My house won’t collapse! Let’s try, blow my house in!”. The wolf didn’t want to do this but he blew because the pig wanted. The first little pig’s house collapsed and the pig was under the straw, he was dead. 

            The second little pig built his home with sticks. The wolf saw him and said very gently: “Don’t use sticks to build a house. It will be a weak home. If someone blows your house in, it will collapse.” but the pig got angry with the wolf and said: “My house won’t collapse! Let’s try, blow my house in!”. The wolf didn’t want to do this but he blew because the pig wanted it. The house collapsed and the second little pig was under the sticks, he was dead. 

            The third little pig saw what happened to his brothers and he decided to build his house with bricks. The wolf came and said very gently: “Hmm. This house is very strong. You are a genius.” and then the wolf and the third little pig became friends. They lived happily ever after.